Jump Lunges

Jump Lunges are a high-intensity plyometric exercise that targets muscles in the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. This explosive movement improves strength, balance and fitness, providing an effective full-body workout.

Correct Form and Technique

How to perform Jump Lunges correctly:

  1. Starting position: Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. Take a big step forward and lower yourself into a lunge, with your front knee over your ankle and your back knee close to the ground.
  2. Jump: Push strongly from both feet at the same time and change the position of the legs in the air, so that the back leg lands in front and vice versa.
  3. Landing: Land softly in a lunge position with knees slightly bent to absorb the impact, and repeat the movement.
  4. Breathe: Exhale when you jump up and inhale when you land.

Common Errors

To avoid injury and maximize the effect of Jump Lunges , avoid these common mistakes:

  • Poor balance: Be sure to land stably before performing the next jump to avoid injury.
  • Too fast a pace: Start with a controlled pace before increasing the intensity. Fast, uncontrolled movement can lead to incorrect execution.
  • Posture: Keep your torso upright and avoid leaning forward.

Modifications and Variants

Here are some ways to customize or vary Jump Lunges :

  • Beginner level: Perform regular lunges without jumps to build strength before adding plyometric movements.
  • Advanced level: Increase the speed and add a resistance band around the thighs to make the exercise more challenging.

Repetitions and Sets

Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions per leg. Jump Lunges can also be included in a HIIT session to improve fitness and explosiveness.

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