Lateral Plank Walk

The Lateral Plank Walk is an effective exercise that challenges both strength and stability in the core, shoulders and arms. This exercise requires you to hold a plank position while moving laterally, which increases the activation of the core muscles , shoulder muscles , and hip flexors . The Lateral Plank Walk is ideal for improving shoulder strength, balance and overall body control.

Correct technique and execution

How to perform the Lateral Plank Walk correctly:

  1. Starting position: Start in a high plank with your palms directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Movement: Move the right hand and right foot out to the side at the same time. Followed by the left hand and left foot, so that you move sideways in a controlled movement.
  3. Keep your core engaged: Be sure to keep your back straight and avoid dropping your hips toward the ground throughout the movement.
  4. Repeat the movement for a certain distance or for a number of repetitions, then change direction.

Common errors

  • Dropped hips: Avoid dropping the hips too far during the movement. Keep your core tight to maintain a stable plank.
  • Too fast movement: Don't rush through the exercise. Move your arms and legs in a controlled manner to ensure you maintain proper technique and maximize the activation of your core muscles.
  • Hands under the shoulders: Make sure that the hands are always directly under the shoulders to avoid unnecessary strain on the shoulders.

Modifications and variations

For beginners: Start by holding a static plank for a few seconds before moving sideways. You can also perform the exercise on your knees to reduce the strain on your core. For an advanced version: Increase your pace or use resistance bands around your wrists or ankles to increase the difficulty.

Reps and sets

Aim to perform 3 sets of 8-10 "steps" in each direction. If you use distance as a measure, walk approx. 5-10 meters back and forth per set.

Breathing technique

Inhale as you prepare to move, and exhale each time you move your hand and foot to the side. Keep your core engaged throughout to maintain proper breathing technique.

Videos for technique

Here are two videos that demonstrate the proper execution of the Lateral Plank Walk:

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