Pistol Squat

Today's exercise is the Pistol Squat , an advanced bodyweight exercise that trains the quadriceps , glutes , hamstrings and core muscles . Pistol squats help build strength, balance and mobility, and require both strength and control to master. The exercise challenges both the lower body and coordination.

Correct technique

To perform a correct pistol squat , follow these steps:

  1. Start standing on one leg, with the other leg extended in front of you and arms extended for balance.
  2. Keep your core engaged as you slowly bend your standing leg while lowering your hips toward the ground.
  3. Lower your body as far as you can while keeping the lifted leg stretched out in front of you, without losing your balance.
  4. Press through the heel of the standing leg to extend the leg and come back up to a standing position.
  5. Breathe in on the way down and out on the way up to maintain control throughout the movement.

Common errors

Here are some common mistakes during pistol squats , and how to avoid them:

  • Rounding of the back: Keep the back straight to avoid unnecessary strain on the lower back. Focus on maintaining a neutral back throughout the movement.
  • Loss of balance: Many people lose their balance because they have not developed enough ankle flexibility or core activation. Work on mobility and balance to perform the exercise correctly.
  • For rapid descent: Control downward movement. If you go too fast, it can be difficult to push yourself back up. Work with strength and slow repetitions.

Modifications and variations

Here are some variations and modifications to pistol squats that can help you build your strength and technique:

  • Assisted Pistol Squat: Use a chair, bench, or exercise mat to support your balance and control as you practice the movement.
  • Box Pistol Squat: Start by lowering yourself to a box or bench to limit your range of motion, and gradually work your way down to full depth.
  • Pistol Squat to Bench: Sit on a bench as you reach the bottom of the movement to work your way up to the full movement.

Repetitions and sets

The number of sets and repetitions for pistol squats depends on your level and goals:

  • For beginners: Start with 2-3 sets of 5-8 repetitions on each leg, using a chair for support if necessary.
  • For strength: 3-4 sets of 4-6 repetitions on each leg, focusing on slow and controlled execution.
  • For advanced: Perform 4 sets of 6-10 repetitions without support, or add weights for extra challenge.

Remember to work gradually towards the full range of motion, and always focus on balance and control.

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